
Supplementary Nutrition

Through Support Disabled Children Ggaba (SDCG) program, we are providing nutritious and balanced foods that contain high protein, vitamin and fat to the malnourished and disabled children from the community. This project helps to get proper nutrition balance and prevent diseases caused by malnutrition and other health related issues.



This project works with professionals and modern scientific technology to assist people with locomotors disability. The project reaches children with disabilities through care and referrals. This project involves assessment and casting for aids and appliances as per recommendations by the therapist and orthopedic doctor. It also involves the department purchase of necessary materials.


Speech Therapy

We do carry out a speech therapy session at the centre. This is because by the time these kids are brought at the centre , they are not in position to speake, eat, nor raise their voices. The therapy services has really helped the kids since some of them can now speack some simple words, recognize near by objects, read letters and numbers, respond to music among others.



The Physiotherapy sessions help in stetching the bones and muscles of the kids since most of the kids come when they are paralysed, cannot walk, crawl or stand. We have experienced a drastic change in the children in a way that some have started walking, crawling, moving their body parts plus standing on nearby objects.


Urban Farming

At SDCG, we do carry out urban farming and it is done by our kids with disabilities plus the mothers . these include among others vegetables, fruits, fish pond, hen rearing, and rabbit keeping. This helps to provide enough food for the children, feed them on a balanced diet so as to help boost their immunity since their health condition is very delicate and needs a lot of care.